Discounts and exemptions
The system of promotions, discounts and benefits at «ON Clinic» allows you to get access to medical examination and treatment at affordable prices. The offer does not apply to doctors' consultations and diagnostics.
Package offers at «ON Clinic»
Discounts for a complete examination of body are provided within Check-Up at «ON Clinic» program. Check-Up is a comprehensive examination of the body state in order to diagnose diseases and disorders. A complete examination of body is especially necessary for those who are at risk of developing health disorders: people over 40 years old, people with chronic diseases and those with close relatives suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Several Check-Up Medical Examination Packages are available at promotion prices:
- minimum option for men (consultations by therapist, urologist, general clinical and biochemical blood tests, urological smears, ECG, ultrasonography);
- minimum option for women (consultations by therapist, gynecologist, general clinical and biochemical blood tests, gynecological tests, ECG, ultrasonography, colposcopy);
- medium option for men (package minimum + consultations by gastroenterologist, neurologist, infectious screening);
- medium option for women (package minimum + consultations by gastroenterologist, neurologist, infectious screening).
Check-Up programs include doctors' consultations, tests and examinations. You can learn more about the content of each package on the page Services.
Promotions for doctors' appointments and diagnostics at «ON Clinic»
For more details on the discounts on treatment and promotions for body examinations visit the page News on «ON Clinic» website. Limited time offers for medical services are provided in case of the opening of new departments and medical centers, as well as before the holidays. In order not to miss promotions, special offers and giveaways, also subscribe to the pages of the medical center «ON Clinic» in social networks.