ON Clinic Kharkiv Palace of Sports
13 years of work experience

Khudynets Mykhailo Mykhailovych
ON Clinic Uzhgorod
Proctologist, surgeon. First category.
16 years of work experience

Budul Viktor Vasylovych
ON Clinic Uzhgorod
Proctologic surgeon. Second category.
10 years of work experience

Korotkih Olga Sergeevna
ON Clinic Kharkiv Palace of Sports
ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
Endoscopist. The highest category.
19 years of work experience

Cherniak Natalia Aleksandrovna
ON Clinic Sumy
The doctor-dermatologist, trichologist. The highest category.
20 years of work experience

Shmarhovych Nadiia Stepanivna
ON Clinic Uzhgorod
Obstetrician-gynecologist. Highest category.
26 years of work experience

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Krasovskaya Irina Grigorievna
ON Clinic Odessa
Endocrinologist. The first category.
27 years of work experience

Shevchenko Valeriia Hennadiivna
ON Clinic Odessa (Tairova)
Proctologist and surgeon. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Assistant Professor. Highest category.
17 years of work experience

Golovchenko Vladimir Ivanovich
ON Clinic Dnepr
Pediatric department in Dnipro
The doctor of ultrasonic diagnostics.
35 years of work experience

Mandzyak Tatiana Igorevna
ON Clinic Dnepr
Pediatric department in Dnipro
Gynecologist. The first category.
13 years of work experience

Stremedlovska Anastasia Alexandrovna
ON Clinic Nikolaev
2 years of work experience

ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
30 years of work experience
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