Tkachenko Ella Olehivna
ON Clinic Cherkasy
10 years of work experience

Zhuk Svіtlana Ivanіvna
ON Clinic Cherkasy
Gynecologist. First category.
19 years of work experience
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Feedback about gynecologists ON Clinic in Cherkasy
Good afternoon! I want to share my story and thank the gynecologist Snezhana Verbovaya. I did removal of the IUD on 04/08/2022. Two doctors, who had a consultat...
Consultation of doctors in «ON Clinic Cherkasy»
Gynecologists in Cherkasy provides services
Gynecology в Cherkasy «ОН Клиник»
Address: Cherkasy, 43, Chehova str.
ON Clinic Cherkasy
We accept: Mon - Fr: 8:00 - 20:00;, Sat: 8:00 - 18:00;, Sun: 9:00 - 15:00
Make an appointment:
0 800 30 07 00
24 hours.
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