Otolaryngology in Kropyvnytskyi
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However, this service is provided in our medical center. You can make an appointment by contact number or through the appointment form on the website, after which our operator will contact you.
We apologize for the discomfort.
Название | Цена |
Otolaryngologist consultation | 450 uah |
ONLINE Consultation with an otolaryngologist | 450 uah |
ONLINE Consultation with an otolaryngologist abroad | 450 uah |
The cost of appointments otolaryngologist in Kropivnickiy
Otolaryngologist consultation
450 uah
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ONLINE Consultation with an otolaryngologist
450 uah
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ONLINE Consultation with an otolaryngologist abroad
450 uah
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Book your appointment 24/7!
Address: Kropivnickiy, Student Boulevard, 6/5
ON Clinic Кropivnickiy
We accept: Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 20:00;, Sat: 8:00 - 17:00
Make an appointment:
0 800 30 07 00
24 hours.
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