Physicians-mammologists of ON Clinic
ON Clinic Kharkiv Palace of Sports
ON Clinic Kharkov Levada
18 years of work experience
Turko Olha Vladyslavivna
ON Clinic Odessa
Doctor is a mammary surgeon.
2 years of work experience
Muraviov Petro Tadeushovych
ON Clinic Odessa (Tairova)
Proctologist, surgeon, mammologist. Doctor of Medical Sciences. Associate professor. The highest category.
18 years of work experience
Zapnyvitrenko Alina Mykolaivna
ON Clinic Dnepr
Doctor-mammologist, oncologist. Second category.
7 years of work experience
Kosheleva Yana Yuriyivna
ON Clinic Dnepr
Mammologist, oncologist. Second category.
12 years of work experience
Bohomolets Iryna Oleksiivna
ON Clinic Kharkov Levada
Surgeon-mammologist, oncodermatologist.
5 years of work experience
Saienko Vladyslav Ihorovych
ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
Oncology surgeon, mammologist.
8 years of work experience
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