Physicians-radiologists of ON Clinic
Vidisheva Natalia Mikhailovna
ON Clinic Dnepr
Radiologist. Highest category.
22 years of work experience
ON Clinic Dnepr
Pediatric department in Dnipro
11 years of work experience
Children's department "ON Klinik Kharkiv" (m. Sport Palace)
ON Clinic Kharkiv Palace of Sports
ON Clinic Kharkov Levada
12 years of work experience
Hertsun Kateryna Oleksandrivna
ON Clinic Nikolaev
Pediatric department in Nikolaev
9 years of work experience
Children's department "ON Klinik Kharkiv" (m. Sport Palace)
ON Clinic Kharkiv Palace of Sports
25 years of work experience
ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
7 years of work experience
Bazaieva Inna Dmytrivna
ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
4 years of work experience
Plisko Tetiana Yuriivna
ON Clinic Kharkov Levada
7 years of work experience
Bocharov Dmytro Volodymyrovych
ON Clinic Kharkov Levada
Radiologist. The second category.
9 years of work experience
ON Clinic Dnepr
17 years of work experience
Yevladii Olha Serhiivna
ON Clinic Odessa (Tairova)
5 years of work experience
Shymanska Viktoriia Ihorivna
ON Clinic Odessa (Tairova)
3 years of work experience
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