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Pediatric orthopedist in Poltava

Pediatric orthopedist in Poltava: prices — from 440 UAH
The child’s health and healthy physical development depend on the proper formation of the osseous-articular system.

At an early age, during active growth, the body is susceptible to various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (impaired muscle tone, underdevelopment of joints, flat foot, etc.). Some diseases in the early stages are asymptomatic, therefore a timely consultation with a pediatric orthopedist will help to detect and eliminate them in time, preventing the development of serious complications.

What does an orthopedist treat in children?

Routine examination of children under one year by orthopedist shall be performed at the age of 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. In the future, in the absence of urgent indications, a doctor's consultation takes place once a year. Pediatric orthopedist treats diseases of the following musculoskeletal system:

  • congenital muscular torticollis;
  • infantile cerebral paralysis;
  • impaired muscle tone (asymmetry, strengthening or weakening);
  • spinal curvature;
  • deformation of knee joints;
  • dysplasia, hip joint dislocation;
  • deformations of chest and shoulder blades;
  • malfunctions of extremities.

Routine examinations by pediatric orthopedist, especially at an early age (up to three years), are mandatory, as they allow you to control the formation of foot and child’s posture. The unscheduled orthopedic consultation is required if you have the following symptoms:

  • different length of arms, legs;
  • asymmetry of the shoulders or hips;
  • child cannot walk in a year and a half;
  • curvature of legs in the form of the O or X letters;
  • restriction of the hip joint flexion;
  • low mobility, pain in joints or bones;
  • walking only on toes.

Any injury or bruise is an occasion for an emergency visit to the pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist. It is most often impossible to determine the severity and location of the lesion on your own. Even a minor bruise in the absence of adequate treatment can cause complications in the future.

Orthopedic consultation does not require prior preparation. At the initial appointment, the doctor, after interviewing, conducts a visual examination of a child, which allows to assess the anatomical state of the skeletal system and the amplitude of joints movement according to his age. Make an appointment for consultation of your child by pediatric orthopedist at “ON Clinic Poltava”, by calling the phone number or leaving a request on the website.

Boyko Iryna Viktorivna
Boyko Iryna Viktorivna
Doctor of department of pediatric orthopedics

Pediatric orthopedists in Poltava «ON Clinic»

The cost of appointments pediatric orthopedist in Poltava

Primary consultation of a pediatric orthopedist - traumatologist

Repeated consultation of a pediatric orthopedist - traumatologist
Repeated appointment with a pediatric orthopedist - traumatologist after a regulated time
ONLINE-Repeated consultation of a pediatric orthopedist - traumatologist
ONLINE-Repeated appointment with a pediatric orthopedist - traumatologist after a regulated time
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