Chernyavska Marina Viktorivna
ON Clinic Bila Tserkva
Gastroenterologist. The highest category.
35 years of work experience

Lehenchuk Yuliia Vasylivna
ON Clinic Bila Tserkva
Gynecologist. Second category.
12 years of work experience

Zhdan Varvara Viktorivna
ON Clinic Bila Tserkva
Ophthalmologist. The first category.
21 years of work experience
Azarenko Svitlana Mykhailivna
ON Clinic Bila Tserkva
Ultrasound diagnostics specialist. The highest category in anesthesiology.
2025 years of work experience

Diachenko Marina Oleksandrivna
ON Clinic Bila Tserkva
General practitioner.
5 years of work experience

Ponomarenko Viktoriia Vasylivna
ON Clinic Bila Tserkva
Massage therapist.
3 years of work experience

Can't you choose a doctor?
Contact us and we'll help you choose a doctor who will take care of your health.
Lazariev Yurii Oleksandrovych
ON Clinic Bila Tserkva
Dermatologist. The highest category.
37 years of work experience

Nosov Serhii Oleksandrovych
ON Clinic Bila Tserkva
4 years of work experience

Skyba Olena Yuriivna
ON Clinic Bila Tserkva
6 years of work experience

Kucherova Olena Serhiivna
ON Clinic Bila Tserkva
Nephrologist. Second category.
12 years of work experience

Davidyants Olga Yaroslavovna
ON Clinic Bila Tserkva
Doctor-gastroenterologist. The highest category.
29 years of work experience

Baksheev Andrey Alekseevich
ON Clinic Bila Tserkva
Proctologist surgeon.
6 years of work experience
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