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Consultation dermatologists online

Questions and answers for dermatology

Hello! I was recently diagnosed with psoriasis of the scalp. I would like to consult with you as another specialist to confirm the diagnosis. I am 41. About 2 months ago, I began to notice as if dandruff on the head, severe itching. If I scratch, it bleeds, and the dandruff itself is of some strange color. Tell me, could it be psoriasis or something else? Thank you!
Answer: 27.05.2021

Yes! The diagnosis "Sebopsoriasis" at this time is an integral symptom in the psoriasis manifestation. To make a diagnosis, a method for determining the psoriatic triad and dermatoscopy are carried out, a scraping is taken for pathogenic fungi, after which a diagnosis is made.

Hello, doctor! I am 30 years old, I have fair skin and a lot of moles on my body. There are so many of them that I cannot track the possible changes that may occur to them. When I take sun bathes (I do this very rarely), new moles may appear, and this scares me. Please tell me, how often do I need to see dermatovenerologist to be calm about melanoma, and how does this examination go?
Answer: 27.05.2021

It is recommended for you to visit to dermatologist once a year, necessarily with examination (dermatoscopy) of each neoplasm. In the spring-summer period, you need to avoid sun exposure, and also use professional dermato-cosmetics with SPF protection 50+ for open areas.

Hello! Yesterday, during the pedicure, the pedicurist noticed that I had a wart on my sole. I didn’t even know about it, as it doesn’t hurt or itch, it doesn’t bother me to walk. But the pedicurist said that it is necessary to remove it, because if you accidentally touch it, there may be an overgrowth or warts can go all over the leg. She said that you can just buy a special plaster at the pharmacy and stick it on, and it will fall off by itself. But I'm a little bit scared to deal with this myself. Tell me, how do you remove warts?
Answer: 27.05.2021

Hello. You need an offline visit to dermatologist with dermatoscopy to make a diagnosis. Due to the depth of the warts, conservative treatment methods are ineffective and may even provoke the spread of the process. Removal is carried out by the device "Fotek". We work with modern equipment with minimal pain and trauma to the skin.

I have a question for a dermatologist. Is it possible to have online consultation if I have psoriasis? I was prescribed ointments and pills but they do not help me. Can you please tell me what to do?
Answer: 22.12.2020

Online consultation is possible for any disease. But in the case of unsuccessful treatment of psoriasis, a personal consultation with the additional examination is still desirable.

Vitsinskaia Olena Ihorevna
Dermatologist-trichologist. Higher category.
I have a rash on my body, the cause is not clear, perhaps it is hives. The other day I drank a couple of glasses of orange juice and the next morning my whole body was covered with large red spots and they were even on the scalp. The spots were very itchy, but in the evening everything went away, as if nothing had happened. I am not allergic and eat citrus fruits all my life and I have never had such a reaction. I would like to receive online consultation by a dermatologist, is it possible?
Answer: 04.12.2020

Unfortunately, allergic reaction is possible to all existing food products, medicines, household chemicals, etc. Allergic reaction can be of immediate and delayed type, therefore, n allergic reaction is not immediately possible to previously used products and medicines. However, what you are describing in detail is most likely a food allergic reaction for which you need to take therapeutic measures. Considering that all exotic fruits and vegetables are repeatedly processed with special substances, allergic reaction can be unpredictable to the products that are already familiar to you. Therefore, if you notice the rash symptoms, consult a dermatologist immediately, incl. online.

Tominets Oksana Vasilevna
Dermatologist. The highest category.
I have a question for the doctor, can you please tell me if I have a large mole on my neck, is it worth removing it and how safe is it? I heard that it is better not to touch or pluck moles at all, is it safe to remove a mole at all?
Answer: 04.12.2020

A large nevus on the neck skin is not a direct indication for removal. There must be a number of reasons for such a procedure, namely:

  • chronic traumatizing of nevus by a patient himself/herself;
  • doctor revealed signs of malignant degeneration of the nevus;
  • psychological discomfort caused by neoplasm.

It is important to note that the removal process itself is not the start of pathological changes in the nevus, because the doctor preliminarily examines it by dermoscopy method and therefore can provide a detailed assessment and prognosis. And finally, the final diagnosis will be confirmed by histological examination of the removed material. The latter is necessarily carried out by a certified laboratory and is a confirmation of the doctor’s diagnosis.

Tominets Oksana Vasilevna
Dermatologist. The highest category.
Hello! Could you please help me: somewhere 6-7 months into the pregnancy, very large quantities of hair began to fall out (hair was thick and long), within 7-8 years I tried almost everything (shampoos, masks, vitamins, visits to a dermatologist), but nothing helped me ... Hair continues to fall out to this day ((.. What shall I do in this case?
Answer: 03.12.2020

Hello! Typically, hair loss begins after childbirth and is a normal reaction of the body to changes in a woman’s hormonal levels. Skin and hair are a mirror of the body state and are among the first to react to endocrine profile disorders, diseases of internal organs or a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Without examination and identification of the cause of hair loss, any methods of treatment and stimulation of hair growth may have a temporary effect or even be ineffective. I sincerely wish you to find “your” trichologist who will help you identify the cause of hair loss and solve the problem!

Tominets Oksana Vasilevna
Dermatologist. The highest category.
Hello! Some pimples appeared on the body in a bunch, they itch a little, something like water appears after scratching them, then it dries up, becomes rough. I have it on the arm at the elbow, on the leg under the knee, at the wrist on the arm. What can it be, how to treat it?
Answer: 03.12.2020

Hello! This picture is characteristic of several dermatological diseases; dermoscopy and more information will be needed to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Obyhod Lyudmila Valentinovna
Dermatologist. First category.
Hello! Five years ago, I found a light pink spot 5 cm in diameter on my side. I thought I had rubbed it or scratched off somewhere. It didn't bother me. Two months ago I noticed that it had tripled and darkened a little. I also found 3 small spots on the opposite arm and one small similar spot on the other side. The skin feels a little calloused at a touch and is less sensitive to touch than on normal skin areas. What is it? I suspect that it may be lichen or something else and how to cure it?
Answer: 03.12.2020

Hello! The rashes described by you can be of a fungal or bacterial nature, or simply inflammatory and not infectious (like Gibert’s disease). Unfortunately, it is impossible to make a diagnosis in absentia, and the treatment will depend on the diagnosis. To do this, the dermatologist will need to examine the skin and do additional tests (scraping of smooth skin for parasitic fungi, culture, etc.)

Goroshko Olena Mykolayivna
Dermatovenerologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist. The highest category.
Hello! I have a problem: the skin on the hands in the biceps area itches, there is no rash or redness, it only turns red after scratching. What could it be?
Answer: 03.12.2020

Hello! Itching can be a symptom of various skin diseases (mainly of an allergic or infectious nature) or an independent disease, the so-called idiopathic itching, which requires a thorough examination and search for internal causes to identify the causes. An antihistamine can be taken to relieve itching (symptomatic treatment).

Tominets Oksana Vasilevna
Dermatologist. The highest category.
Hello! I need a consultation with a dermatologist. The fact is that I have a tumor under the skin; I searched the Internet for information and found out that it could be a lipoma. What should I do now? Is this wen threatening my health? I failed to find the answer in the Internet article.
Answer: 03.12.2020

Hello! A lipoma is a benign non-life-threatening neoplasm. Unfortunately, a dermatologist does not treat lipomas and other subcutaneous neoplasms. You need a consultation by a surgeon. You may also need a soft tissue ultrasound to make a diagnosis.

Goroshko Olena Mykolayivna
Dermatovenerologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist. The highest category.
I have red spots on my hands, which began to peel off, I am worried that it could be eczema. Do I need a consultation by a dermatologist first, or do I need to take some tests before taking it? And can you see a dermatologist online?
Answer: 03.12.2020

Before consulting a dermatologist, you do not need to take any tests. But if you have the latest test results, you should show them to your doctor. Yes, we conduct online consultations, you are welcome to contact us!

Skakun Tatiana Nikolaievna
The doctor-dermatologist, trichologist. The highest category.

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