Vodianyk Vitaliia Oleksandrivna
ON Clinic Dnepr
Dermatologist, trichologist. Highest category.
25 years of work experience
Hlieba Marharyta Yaroslavivna
ON Clinic Кropivnickiy
4 years of work experience
Babaian Vadym Vachahanovych
Pediatric department in Nikolaev
Pediatric otolaryngologist. The second category.
8 years of work experience

Berezutskyi Ivan Volodymyrovych
ON Clinic Dnepr
2 years of work experience

Harber Ihor Alfredovych
ON Clinic Odessa (Tairova)
Ophthalmologist. The highest category.
37 years of work experience
Sadova Yana Fedorivna
ON Clinic Dnepr
Pediatric department in Dnipro
Otolaryngologist, pediatric otolaryngologist.
2025 years of work experience

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Treskovskyi Oleksandr Petrovych
ON Clinic Dnepr
Urologist. The highest category.
33 years of work experience

Heneralova Marharyta Yuriivna
ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
3 years of work experience

Romanchuk Maksym Ihorovych
ON Clinic Dnepr
Pediatric department in Dnipro
Plastic surgeon, combustiologist.
6 years of work experience

Sokol Tetiana Oleksandrivna
ON Clinic Odessa (Tairova)
Doctor of ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound) and functional diagnostics.
25 years of work experience
Bozhko Natalia Oleksandrivna
ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
Dermatovenerologist. Candidate of Medical Sciences.
25 years of work experience

Totti Kseniia Oleksandrivna
ON Clinic Odessa
5 years of work experience
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