0 800 30 17 33

Treatment of hemorrhoidal tumors with laser vaporization in Sumy

Hemorrhoids is a pathology characterized by inflammation of the rectum veins and the formation of hemorrhoidal tumors. They cause physical discomfort and can periodically fall out and bleed. Not so long ago, the only way to treat hemorrhoidal tumors was their surgical removal.

Today, sparing minimally invasive techniques such as laser vaporization are used to treat hemorrhoids. This is an alternative to the traditional excision of hemorrhoidal tumors with a scalpel, which does not require hospitalization of the patient and long-term rehabilitation.

The principle of the laser vaporization method is a controlled thermal effect on the tissues of the hemorrhoidal tumor. The laser beam cauterizes them, which leads to the evaporation of the intercellular fluid. During the procedure, the vessels in the mucous membrane of the anal canal are instantly “sealed”, so the risk of bleeding and wound infection is excluded.

You can undergo the procedure of painless removal of hemorrhoidal tumors in Sumy at the medical center “ON Clinic Sumy” after preliminary consultation by a proctologist. The doctor will hear complaints, conduct an examination and refer for additional tests before the procedure. You can find out the cost of laser vaporization in Sumy at “ON Clinic Sumy” from the operators of our call center.

Advantages of laser vaporisation of hemorrhoidal tumors

The advantages of removing hemorrhoidal tumors by laser vaporization include:

  • painlessness (local anesthesia is used);
  • no sutures;
  • bloodlessness;
  • sterility – laser beam has a disinfecting effect;
  • no scars;
  • short duration of procedure – from 20 minutes to one hour (with multiple tumors);
  • no hospitalization – one to two hours after the procedure, the patient can return to his/her usual life;
  • no risk of recurrence or postoperative complications.

Procedure of laser vaporization of hemorrhoidal tumors

The procedure for laser vaporization of hemorrhoids consists of two stages:

  1. Anesthesia of anal area with a local anesthetic.
  2. Removal of the hemorrhoidal tumor. External tumors are cauterized at the base. When removing internal tumors, an anoscope is first introduced into anus – a device for visual examination of the rectum. Then the proctologist alternately cauterizes all hemorrhoids.

Immediately after the procedure, the patient remains under doctor’s supervision for one to two hours, and then he is discharged. To learn more about the treatment of hemorrhoidal tumors in Sumy at the medical center “ON Clinic Sumy”, make an appointment for a consultation by a proctologist. Fill out the online appointment form on the website or call us by phone.

Babych Ivan Mykhailovych
Babych Ivan Mykhailovych
Doctor of department of proctology
Book your appointment 24/7!

The cost of appointments with doctors in Sumy

Alcohol-novocaine blockade
880 uah
Initial appointment with a coloproctologist
ONLINE Re-admission of a coloproctologist after a regulated period abroad
Reappointment of a coloproctologist after a regulated period
Repeated consultation appointment with a coloproctologist

Physicians of proctology department of ON Clinic Sumy

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Address: Sumy, Harkovskaya st., 23

ON Clinic Sumy
We accept: Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 20:00, Sat: 8:00 - 17:00, Sun: 8:00 - 14:00
Make an appointment: 0 800 30 17 33 24 hours.
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