0 800 30 17 33

Proctology in Sumy

The proctology department of “ON Clinic Sumy” specializes in the prevention, diagnostics and treatment of anal orifice diseases, namely the rectum and anus.

Treatment in the Sumy branch of the international network of medical centers "ON Clinic" allows you to become and remain a healthy person.

We specialize in:

Proctological diseases can be manifested by complaints of the following:

  • pain or discomfort in the anus;
  • bleeding or discomfort during bowel movements (bowel movements);
  • itching in the anus;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

What diseases are treated in the department of proctology

If symptoms of rectal diseases appear, you should consult a proctologist. Examination by a proctologist allows diagnosing the following diseases:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • anal fissure;
  • benign (polyps) and malignant neoplasms in the anus;
  • inflammatory diseases of the lower intestines.

The procedure of initial examination by a proctologist

During the initial examination, the proctologist performs the manipulations necessary for diagnosing and treatment. To diagnose the rectum diseases, the proctologist:

  1. Get acquainted with complaints, medical history and previous medical records.
  2. Conducts general physical examination.
  3. Conducts external examination of the anal area and digital examination of the rectum.
  4. Performs endoscopic examination of anal canal and rectum.

Endoscopic examination is an examination of the intestinal mucous membranes using an instrument in the form of a tube with an optical system at the end, which enlarges the image and displays it on the computer screen. Anoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the anal canal and lower rectum. Sigmoidoscopy is a deeper examination that allows examining the upper rectum and the lower sigmoid colon. An endoscopic examination of the large intestine is called a colonoscopy. An endoscopic examination does not require complex preparation and is carried out immediately during the initial examination by a proctologist.

Advantages of ON Clinic department of proctology in Sumy

The advantages of the proctology department at the medical center “ON Clinic Sumy” are the following:

  • delicate approach to solving proctological problems, confidentiality;
  • anesthesia for diagnostic procedures and medical procedures;
  • preference in the choice of treatment is given to conservative methods and minimally invasive surgery in proctology (including radio wave methods);
  • reception takes place at the appointed time by appointment, it is possible to pay in installments, there are bonus programs.

Treatment of anal pain in Sumy

Pain in the anal canal during bowel movements may go away on its own for several days, but it will definitely return, and the pain in the anus will become stronger. To cure pain and avoid complications, make an appointment with a proctologist for a consultation.

The pain in the anal orifice can be pulling, sharp and throbbing. Also, anal pain can appear at night. Most often they occur due to paraproctitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures and proctitis. You can determine the cause of pain in the anus by making an appointment with a proctologist.

Sharp and aching pain in the anus can be associated with:

  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • regular constipation;
  • trauma to the anal orifice;
  • strong physical activity;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

To cure pain in the anus, make an appointment for a consultation with a coloproctologist in Sumy. The doctor will examine the problem area, prescribe diagnostic procedures and treatment. The cost of treating anal pain can be found on the website. If it is not possible to come for an in-person consultation, you can make an appointment for a video consultation with a proctologist in Sumy.

Treatment of hemorrhoidal tumor in Sumy

The first symptoms of internal hemorrhoids are a feeling of heaviness and itching in the anus, as well as bleeding after a bowel movement. As the disease progresses, hemorrhoidal tumors enlarge and fall out. At first, they can be adjusted back on their own, but in the later stages of the disease this becomes impossible. 

An external hemorrhoidal tumor forms around the anus and is covered with skin. It does not bleed during bowel movements, as it usually does not get traumatized, but it can hurt. External hemorrhoidal tumors are prone to thrombosis. The tumor swells, becomes cyanotic and causes severe pain. If the treatment of thrombosis is not started in time, necrosis of the hemorrhoidal node develops, that is, the death of its tissues due to prolonged pinching.

In case of chronic inflammation of the hemorrhoidal tumor, such dangerous pathologies as anal fissure and paraproctitis (inflammation of the tissues around the rectum) can occur. Therefore, the treatment of hemorrhoids should be started as early as possible, until the disease leads to the development of serious complications.

For the treatment of external and internal hemorrhoidal tumors in the medical center “ON Clinic Sumy”, minimally invasive techniques with proven efficacy are used. They allow our patients to get rid of hemorrhoids of any stage without surgery and a long recovery period.

Methods of treating hemorrhoids at “ON Clinic Sumy”:

  • rubber band ligation;
  • HAL-RAR dearterization.

Rubber band ligation of hemorrhoidal tumors is used in the second and third stages of hemorrhoids. The method involves the application of a tight rubber band on the tumor leg, as a result of which it loses power, dies off and after a while goes out unnoticed during bowel movements.

Desarterization of the hemorrhoidal tumor in Sumy at “ON Clinic Sumy” is used for the third and fourth stages of the disease. The essence of the method consists in ligating the vessels going to the tumor with a self-absorbable thread and suturing it to the rectum so that it takes its correct position. The procedure is carried out using a special device with an ultrasound sensor.

Duration of the recovery period

The recovery period after the treatment of hemorrhoids using minimally invasive techniques, as a rule, is not required. After the procedure completion, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor for one to three hours, and then he is discharged. Before that, the doctor gives detailed recommendations on what to do during the healing period, prescribes a special diet for hemorrhoids to prevent recurrence of the disease.

You can find out the cost of treatment of hemorrhoids in Sumy at the medical center “ON Clinic Sumy” and the procedure details by calling the specified phone number or filling out the registration form.

Babych Ivan Mykhailovych
Babych Ivan Mykhailovych
Doctor of department of proctology
Book your appointment 24/7!

The cost of doctor proctology appointments in Sumy

Alcohol-novocaine blockade
880 uah
Initial appointment with a coloproctologist
Repeated consultation appointment with a coloproctologist
Reappointment of a coloproctologist after a regulated period
ONLINE Re-admission of a coloproctologist after a regulated period abroad

Physicians of proctology department of ON Clinic Sumy

Address: Sumy, Harkovskaya st., 23

ON Clinic Sumy
We accept: Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 20:00, Sat: 8:00 - 17:00, Sun: 8:00 - 14:00
Make an appointment: 0 800 30 17 33 24 hours.
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