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Questions and answers for therapy

Hello doctor! I have been suffering from fatigue for a month now. I get enough sleep, I eat well (I follow a healthy diet), I don’t overwork, but all the time I’m in such a condition as if I’m going to faint, and my bones ache. Allergy to some food began to manifest itself in a double form (I used to have periods of urticaria fever), then I caught conjunctivitis somewhere. I feel that my body is weakened, in my opinion, even the bruises on me heal worse than usual. Can you please tell me what it can be and what tests should I take?
Answer: 06.07.2021

Fatigue, weakness, decreased performance can be a manifestation of both a disease and a violation of the nervous control over the functioning of human organs, a decrease in the body immunity, especially at the present time (during the pandemic, under forced quarantine restrictions). To determine the scope of necessary examinations, make an accurate diagnosis and draw up a treatment plan, it is better for you to visit a therapist.

Gaponova Irina Vasilievna
General practitioner. The highest category.
Hello! Could you tell me which specialist to visit? Two years ago I had a feeling of dissatisfaction with the inhalation, that is, I cannot breathe deeply the first time and it is difficult for me to breathe from time to time. I was examined by many specialists, such as a therapist, pulmonologist, cardiologist - they cannot find the cause. Recently I had the retina strengthening, the ophthalmologist looked at the laser and said: “You have bad blood vessels.” May it be the cause??
Answer: 06.07.2021

A feeling of dissatisfaction with inhalation can occur with various diseases of the chest, spine, central and peripheral nervous systems, reflex disease of the digestive system, and vascular diseases. To establish the cause, it is better to undergo comprehensive examination. Considering the fact that you have already been examined by some specialists, at present it is advisable for you to make appointment with neurologist, who will refer you to the necessary vascular examinations and select the appropriate treatment.

Gaponova Irina Vasilievna
General practitioner. The highest category.
Hello! I am 35 years old and I am pregnant with my second child. Now it is the 12 week. I am disturbed by frequent headaches and they are severe enough. Yesterday I woke up with headache, it hurt all day and all night very badly. My blood pressure often rises, and during the examination I was told that it was after the stress suffered, although there was no stress. Any medicine other than glycine is forbidden, but it does not help. Tell me which examinations to take or how you can relieve headaches, situated as I am?
Answer: 06.07.2021

Headaches can be a manifestation of many diseases or a complication of the physiological course of pregnancy. In order to stop a headache, you need to identify the cause (you may have had vascular diseases before pregnancy). Given the early pregnancy, many drugs can be toxic to you. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a neurologist who will select individual program of examination and treatment for you.

Gaponova Irina Vasilievna
General practitioner. The highest category.
Hello! For about 2-3 years I have been suffering from shortness of breath. I am twenty years old, it appears both in the afternoon and in the evening. I visited many doctors - they have not found anything, the tests were also normal. The only thing was that they referred me for cardiogram, it showed clearly that I used to smoke, and the doctor referred me for ultrasonography of heart, but I didn’t go. I also suspect I have osteochondrosis. I read that shortness of breath can be due to osteochondrosis. How do I figure out why I have shortness of breath, and how can I treat it?
Answer: 06.07.2021

Shortness of breath can be associated with various diseases of cardiovascular system, respiratory system, thyroid pathology, pathology of the pharynx. It can also bother if a person has osteochondrosis of thoracic spine, nervous system diseases. In order to cure shortness of breath, you need to determine its cause. And only a therapist or neurologist can help with this. A comprehensive examination is needed, which will give an understanding of the underlying cause and a correct treatment plan. It is also worth undergoing ultrasonography of heart in order to exclude pathologies in this sphere.

Gaponova Irina Vasilievna
General practitioner. The highest category.
Hello! I quitted drinking alcohol for a couple of weeks. I have been drinking for about four years. After quitting, stabbing pain in heart started to appear even without exertion. What tests, procedures do I need to undergo to find out the cause of the pain?
Answer: 06.07.2021

Stabbing pain in the region of the heart can be a symptom of both diseases of the cardiovascular system and spine osteochondrosis (thoracic region), metabolic disorders with prolonged intake of alcohol, diseases of the respiratory system, thyroid gland, esophagus, disorders of the nervous regulation of the heart. In this regard, it is better to make appointment with a therapist who will select the required scope of laboratory and instrumental tests, as well as refer to comprehensive examination. 

Gaponova Irina Vasilievna
General practitioner. The highest category.

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