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Consultation pediatrician online

Questions and answers for pediatrics

Hello. The child has been suffering from ARVI for a week. All symptoms (fever, nasal congestion) gradually subside, but coughing is very disturbing. It is especially aggravated at night - productive, the child cannot clear his throat for a long time. Can you please tell me if this is considered as deterioration? Maybe we should already start drinking antibiotics? Thank you
Answer: 28.05.2021

Hello! A child's nighttime cough is not considered a worsening or complication of the current illness. Most often in children, this is a sign of rhinosinusitis, postnasal drips, which can bother the child for a long time. Most likely, there are no reasons for prescribing antibiotic therapy, especially since the child has no fever or worsening of the general condition. For a more correct and accurate consultation, the child should be examined by a pediatrician, and in case of a prolonged nighttime cough, also by a pediatric otolaryngologist.

Hello. The child is 6 years old, a planned visit to all doctors is needed for a certificate to school. Can you please tell me if a pediatrician at your clinic can make such a certificate? And is it possible to see all the doctors in one day?
Answer: 28.05.2021

Hello! All pediatric specialists work at ON Clinic, the consultation of which is necessary for a child upon admission to educational institutions. The pediatrician, on the basis of advisory opinions, issues a form of primary accounting documentation No. 086, as well as a form No. 063 for registration in the school.

Hello. The child is 1.5 years old - there is not a single vaccination yet - we are sick all the time, we are plagued by ARVI. The district pediatrician puts a medical exemption. Can you please tell me if you can undergo a complete examination of the child and draw up an individual immunization schedule?
Answer: 28.05.2021

Hello! Frequent ARVI should not affect your child's vaccination, he/she needs vaccination, perhaps even more than children who are not sick. To clarify the child's immune status, general condition before vaccination, you need to carry out laboratory diagnostics, namely: clinical blood and urine tests, as well as immunogram, and after examination by a pediatrician, if there are no contraindications, draw up individual vaccination schedule. All this can be done in the ON Clinic pediatric department.

Hello. My daughter is 2 years old. Recently, we began to notice that she always keeps her mouth open - she did not breathe through her nose at all. A little wheezing in a dream, but not always. Otherwise, she is an ordinary, cheerful child. We were advised to see a doctor to rule out adenoids. Can you please tell me if we can undergo such examination at your clinic and what is needed for this?
Answer: 28.05.2021

Hello! Normally, the child’s nasal breathing should be free. If a problem arises with this, then the patency of the nasal passages should be restored, after finding out the cause. To do this, you need to contact the pediatric otolaryngologist of our medical center, who will carry out all the necessary diagnostic procedures to clarify the diagnosis.

Hello! My son is 2 years 9 months. For several days he refuses to eat - cries and points to his mouth. I found a white pimple on the inside of his lower lip, he said it hurts a lot. There is a slight temperature. Please tell me what it can be and should we see a doctor? Thank you
Answer: 28.05.2021

Hello! If a child is restless, crying and his appetite decreases, then this, of course, is already a reason for concern and a visit to a doctor. Problems arising in the oral cavity must first of all be shown to the dentist. Most often, the correct treatment will resolve the issue already at this stage.

Consultation with a pediatrician ON Clinic

  • Video consultation with a pediatrician in Kharkiv

    Children's department "ON Klinik Kharkiv" (m. Sport Palace)

    We accept: Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 18:00, Sat: 8:00 - 17:00, Sun: 9:00 - 14:00

    Pediatric department in Kharkov (m. Yaroslava Mudroho)

    We accept: Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 18:00, Sat: 9:00 - 14:00
    Yaroslava Mudrogo st., 30a
  • Video consultation with a pediatrician in Poltava

    Pediatric department in Poltava

    We accept: Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 19:30, Sat - Sun: 9:00 - 17:00
    Vitaliy Hrytsayenko Ave. (Pervomaisky Ave.), 18-A
  • Video consultation with a pediatrician in Dnepr

    Pediatric department in Dnipro

    We accept: Mon - Sat: 8:00 - 20:00;, Sun: 9:00 - 17:00
  • Video consultation with a pediatrician in Odessa

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  • Video consultation with a pediatrician in Nikolaev

    Pediatric department in Nikolaev

    We accept: Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 19:30, Sat - Sun: 8:00 - 18:00
    Bolshaya Morskaya st., 74/3
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