0 800 30 17 33

Dermatology in Nikolayev

To find a dermatologist in our city is not difficult. It is difficult to find a dermatological center with an impeccable reputation, which will provide you with quality services of dermatologist, where you will be listened, examined and arranged for an effective treatment.

Doctor-dermatologist deals with skin diseases. And if you found on the skin rash, pruritus of unknown character, you need a dermatologist.

We treat:

Do not delay the treatment with the doctor, hopeing that "everything will go away by itself" – it can lead to serious complications. It is always easier to treat the disease at an early stage of its development. Consulting a dermatologist will help not only show the diagnosis, but also gain invaluable advice of a dermatologist to help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms.

Today, no longer need to interrogate all the friends and ask "dermatologist advise", You can go to ON Clinic, where there is a dermatologist's office and a good dermatologist. Appointments can be around the clock.

The main activity of the Department of Dermatology in On Clinic Nikolaev is treatment of psoriasis. Dermatologists of network of medical centers ON Clinic have developed a unique method of treatment of psoriasis without use of hormones. We all know that psoriasis is not curable, however, due to unique ointments and treatment regimens, dermatologists of On Clinic Nikolaev manage to "lull" the disease, to do symptoms of psoriasis unnoticed either for the patient or for the people around him.

We provide removal of benign tumors (condillomas, papillomas, warts, moles) by a radio wave method. This method, as opposed to removing with liquid nitrogen or surgically is quite easily tolerated by the patient. The procedure is painless, fast, provides faster healing and minimizes the risk of tumors in the same place.

To determine, whether the tumor is benign and whether the removal would be safe, is possible due to dermoscopy procedure. Image with multiple increase of moles on the screen allows the dermatologist to diagnose melanoma (skin cancer) at an early stage. Remember, the mole must be checked before removal! Afterwards – it may be too late.

There are a huge number of skin diseases. Often the symptoms of quite different skin diseases are very similar, and in appearance of any skin rash, consult a dermatologist. Our specialists are also involved in treatment of the following diseases:

  • Acne (acneiform rash)
  • Alopecia (androgen, local, diffuse, focal, seborrheic), hair loss
  • Herpes (on lips, body, in men and women)
  • Skin fungus
  • Nail fungus
  • Demodecosis (subcutaneous mite)
  • Dermatitis (allergic, atopic, contact, seborrheic)
  • Dermatophytes
  • Impetigo
  • Intertrigo
  • Keratomas
  • Hives
  • Cserosis
  • Tetter (tinea, pityriasis, colorful, ringworm)
  • Micosis
  • Microsporia
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Onychomycosis
  • Intertrigo
  • Dandruff
  • Pyoderma (staph, strep)
  • Psoriasis
  • Rubrofitii
  • Seborrhea
  • Streptoderma
  • Trihofitii
  • Eczema (weeping, numulAR, seborrheic, disgidrostiC, atopic, microbial)
  • Erythema (ring-shaped Darrieus migrating, multiform, solar, nodular, fixed, exudative, and others.)
  • Erythrasma.
Ustynska Inna Ivanivna
Ustynska Inna Ivanivna
Doctor of department of dermatology
Book your appointment 24/7!

The cost of doctor dermatology appointments in Nikolaev

Initial appointment with a dermatovenerologist
Repeated appointment with a dermatovenerologist
Reappointment of a dermatovenerologist after a regulated period
ONLINE-Primary appointment with a dermatovenerologist
ONLINE-Repeated appointment of a dermatovenerologist
ONLINE-Reappointment of a dermatovenerologist after a regulated period
ONLINE Initial reception of a dermatovenerologist abroad
ONLINE Re-admission of a dermatovenerologist abroad
Tick ​​removal
700 uah

Physicians of dermatology department of ON Clinic Nikolaev

Address: Nikolaev, Velika Morska st., 74/3

ON Clinic Nikolaev
We accept: Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 19:30, Sat - SUN: 8:30 - 18:00
Make an appointment: 0 800 30 17 33 24 hours.
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  • Aeropanorama
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