0 800 30 07 00

Treatment of radiculitis in Cherkasy

Radiculitis is a disease of spinal roots causing sharp back pain and limitation of movement. For a long time lumbar radiculitis was considered a disease of old age, but in recent years neuropathologists have encountered "rejuvenation" of the disease. Hypodynamia, sedentary activity, unbalanced nutrition lead to dystrophic changes in the bone and muscle tissue of young people subsequently turning into radiculitis.

The disease occurs in various regions of the spine, but lumbosacral radiculitis is diagnosed most often. This led to the misthought that any sharp pain in the back is a sign of radiculopathy. Only a neurologist can make this diagnosis after a series of examinations.

Causes and symptoms

Radiculopathy develops for the following reasons:

  • impaired metabolism resulting in dystrophy of the musculoskeletal system or structural change in cartilage tissue;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • unbalanced nutrition when the body does not receive a full range of micro and macro elements;
  • spinal injury (for example, as a result of an awkward fall or road traffic accident);
  • general hypothermia of the body causing tissue inflammation;
  • infectious lesions of nerve endings;
  • deformations in the spine segments (for example, the formation of stylosteophytes and "callus").

Radiculitis high-risk group includes people involved in heavy physical work, weightlifters, people working in adverse climatic zones. Regardless of the cause of radiculopathy, the mechanism of the disease is the same: the surrounding tissues (these can be either muscles, bones or cartilage) compress the nerve root, disrupting its nutrition and interfering with the normal functioning of the nervous system.

The first sign of radiculitis is acute pain. But this is not the only symptom of the disease:

  • muscle tightness on the affected side: soft tissues are tightened, which additionally hinders mobility and disturbs the blood supply to the area;
  • the pallor of the skin and a decrease in body temperature near the focus of pathology;
  • decreased sensitivity.

Many patients react to similar symptoms in the same way – they use alternative methods or warming ointments to get temporary relief. But self-treatment is not aimed at identifying and eliminating the cause of the disease. So soon the pain returns.

Treatment procedure

The main task of the neurologist is to establish the cause of the appearance of radiculitis. For this, a thorough diagnosis is carried out. For example, it may develop as a consequence of osteochondrosis or be caused by herniated disc. It is impossible to cure these diseases with alternative methods. Pathology will only intensify leading to even more serious degenerative damage to the spine and nerve endings. Therefore, when signs of radiculitis appear, you should make an appointment with the neurologist.

The doctor will conduct a primary examination and refer the patient for additional tests. Blood tests are prescribed, if necessary, a referral is given for CT or MRI of the affected area. Based on the results, the treatment plan is developed. Usually, it involves changing the habitual way of life (patients need to limit mobility, sleep on a hard bed), taking painkillers. Good results can be achieved with physiotherapy and manual therapy.

You can get a consultation on radiculitis treatment by qualified neurologists at the medical center “ON Clinic Cherkasy”.

Yehorova Mariia Valeriivna
Yehorova Mariia Valeriivna
Doctor of department of neurology
Book your appointment 24/7!

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Physicians of neurology department of ON Clinic Cherkasy

Address: Cherkasy, 43, Chehova str.

ON Clinic Cherkasy
We accept: Mon - Fr: 8:00 - 20:00;, Sat: 8:00 - 18:00;, Sun: 9:00 - 15:00
Make an appointment: 0 800 30 07 00 24 hours.
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