0 800 30 07 00

Neurology department in Cherkassy

According to WHO statistics, the number of neurological diseases is steadily increasing. The main causes of disorders of the well-coordinated activity of the nervous system are constant stress and hypodynamia.

As in other medical branches, the progression of many diseases in neurology can be prevented, therefore, an annual preventive examination by a specialized professional is recognized as an effective measure of maintaining health.

We treat:

A doctor who conducts diagnostics, treatment, and prevention of neurological diseases is a neuropathologist or neurologist In the Cherkasy in the clinics "ON Clinic Cherkasy" there are highly qualified specialists in the field of neurology, they will not only help in the establishment of an accurate diagnosis and develop effective treatment but also provide the patient with a scheme of preventive methods to maintain the stable activity of the NS.

What diseases are treated by a neuropathologist?

The neuropathologist specializes in the detection of disorders and diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, i.e. the pathologies of the brain and spinal cord, nerve fibers, nerve roots and neuromuscular junctions.

The main neuromuscular disorders are associated with pathological processes in pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems. The pyramidal system coordinates muscular strength, movements, and extrapyramidal regulates muscle tone at rest (for example, in a prone position).

Depending on the etiology and involved structures, there are several causes of neurological diseases, namely:

  • angiopathology and disorder of cerebral circulation (encephalopathy, angioneurosis, neurocirculatory dystonia, paresis, dysfunction of the sensory system, sleep disorders, post- stroke states, etc.);
  • worsening of cerebrospinal circulation with lesion of nerve roots (lumboischialgia, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, etc.);
  • inflammation of the nervous tissue (neuropathy, thoracalgia, neuritis, polyneuropathy, etc.);
  • damage to brain areas responsible for speech (motor and sensomotor aphasia, dysphasia, etc.);
  • bacterial, fungal and viral infections or strong immune responses to them (ganglionitis, Herpes zoster, etc.);
  • degenerative changes in the NS (dementia, vestibular, sphincter or cognitive impairment).

Specialists of the department of neurology of the clinic "ON Clinic Cherkasy" have extensive experience and deep knowledge, they will take all necessary medical measures to identify the source of pathology and establish an accurate diagnosis.

To do this, a thorough examination of the patient will be prescribed, which may include EEG, duplex scanning of cerebral vessels, electromyography, analysis of sensitivity and reflexes.

We recommend you to seek medical advice in case the first symptoms of neurological disorders appear:

  • tics, numbness, and paroxysm of limbs;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • impaired vision, hearing;
  • difficulties with articulation and coordination;
  • chronic weakness;
  • impairment of memory or concentration;
  • loss of urination control, etc.

Due to the variety of clinical signs, only a competent neuropathologist’s consultation and his professional evaluation of the test results can help to determine the cause of the ailment.

How is the examination with a neuropathologist performed?

A primary visit to the doctor includes the history taking, visual inspection, which helps create the necessary list of methods of research.

To find out what the neuropathologist treats and how to make an appointment with the doctor at the "ON Clinic Cherkasy" clinic, you may leave a request on our website or call the specified phone number.

Yehorova Mariia Valeriivna
Yehorova Mariia Valeriivna
Doctor of department of neurology
Book your appointment 24/7!

The cost of doctor neurology appointments in Cherkasy

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Physicians of neurology department of ON Clinic Cherkasy

Address: Cherkasy, 43, Chehova str.

ON Clinic Cherkasy
We accept: Mon - Fr: 8:00 - 20:00;, Sat: 8:00 - 18:00;, Sun: 9:00 - 15:00
Make an appointment: 0 800 30 07 00 24 hours.
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