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Phymosis treatment in children in Kharkiv (m. Palace of Sport)

Phymosis is urological disorder frequent among boys resulting in diminution of preputium and as a result it is impossible to uncover balanus. Urologists divide phymosis into physiological and pathological.

Physiological phymosis in children is a natural condition for boys under 3 years. But if after 3 years diminution of preputium remains, it inflames or a child has a sense of discomfort during micturition, the consulation by doctor is necessary.

How to reveal phymosis?

All newborn boys are born with signs of physiological phymosis, but it is not a disorder and requires no intervention. With a time, preputium “stretches” and becomes flexible in case of proper development of a child. But in some cases it does not happen: some young patients face cicatrical phymosis.

In case of this disease the skin on penis becomes compact (cicatrizes); as a result, it is impossible to uncover balanus. Pathology can be identified during hygienic procedures.

It is also worth paying attention to the following symptoms in your child:

  • difficult urination;
  • inflammation (redness) of balanus;
  • visible compaction of skin on penis.

In this case, it is necessary to register a boy for consultation by pediatric urologist or surgeon for assignment the necessary treatment.

Danger of phymosis

Phymosis in boys makes it difficult to perform personal hygiene activities, create a risk of posthitis.

Main after-effects and complications of disease:

  • difficult and painful urination, and in adult age –  pain during ejaculation;
  • balanoposthitis – inflammation of balanus;
  • paraphymosis – normal circulatory disturbance resulting in tissue necrosis.

Regular consultations and examinations by pediatric urologist help to detect pathology at the early stages and avoid surgical treatment.

 Is it possible to manage phymosis domiciliary?

One of the disease prevention methods is stretching of prepitium enabling to eliminate pathological symptoms after a while. But these procedures should be applied only in case of no inflammation or severe pain syndrome and by agreement with doctor.

It is recommended to put aside self-treatment if parents think their boy has phymosis. First of all, it is necessary to consult a pediatric specialist (surgeon or urologist) for confirmation of diagnosis. If specialist confirms pathology, he will develop effective and high-performance treatment pattern.

Self-treatment efforts can result in epitheliitis and makes situation worse.

Is it possible to manage phymosis without surgery?

In case of insignificant phymosis in children, urologist may recommend drug treatment. In this case, hormonal corticosteroid-based cream is prescribed to the boy and it should be applied within a month. Active cream components remove swelling and epitheliitis, improve its elasticity and promote fast stretching. But if the medication used produces no expected result, it is necessary to visit pediatric surgeon.

Surgeon examines young patient and selects treatment management. One of two procedures is usually used: posthioplasty or posthetomy. The selection depends on boy’s age, phymosis peculiarities and intensity.

Duration of surgery

Surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. Anesthesis method depends on individual peculiarities of a child, both physiological and psychoemotional. Pediatric anesthesiologist evaluates availability of any contra-indications to anesthesia or narcosis and selects composition and dosage.

The most popular surgery management is posthetomy without stitching. This manipulation lasts about 30 minutes, after that a child is under doctor’s observation within an hour. The procedure does not involve healthy tissues, ensures complete getting rid of urological pathology and fast healing of surgical area. The child does not feel any significant discomfort when anesthesia is no more effective.

You can treat phymosis in Kharkiv at the medical centre “ON Clinic Kharkiv Palace of Sport”. Pediatric urology and surgery department receives patients aging one year and older, treat boys with any kind of phymosis. Optimal treatment management is selected for each patient in order to produce the best result. You can register for examination by contact phone number.


Doctor of department of surgery

Surgeons in Kharkiv «ON Clinic»

The cost of phimosis treatment in Kharkiv

House call for a surgeon (pediatric)
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Address: Kharkiv,

Children's department "ON Klinik Kharkiv" (m. Sport Palace)
We accept: Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 18:00, Sat: 8:00 - 17:00, Sun: 9:00 - 14:00
Make an appointment: 0 800 30 11 77 .
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