0 800 30 11 77

Urologists of ON Clinic Medical Center Dnepr

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Feedback about urologists ON Clinic in Dnepr

I underwent an examination in your urology clinic. Now I undergo treatment by dr. Demidenko as well as physiotherapy regimen. I am pleased with everything!!! Th...
Sergey , 23.04.2020. Show answer
I want to express my personal gratitude to Demidenko S.V. for the friendly attitude to the patient, professional performance of official duties regarding the im...
Anatoliy , 17.04.2020. Show answer
I had an appointment on 24 02.2020. The proctologist did not recommend any treatment referring me immediately for operation costing 8.500. I am not satisfied wi...
Larisa , 26.02.2020. Show answer
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Consultation of doctors in «ON Clinic Dnepr»

Urologists in Dnepr provides services

Urology в Dnepr «ОН Клиник»

Dnepr, D. Yavornytskoho av., 107a

ON Clinic Dnepr
We accept: Mon - Sat: 8:00 - 20:00, Sun: 9:00 - 17:00
Make an appointment: 0 800 30 17 30 24 hours.
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