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Questions and answers p. 9

Hello! Could you please tell me the reason for severe hair loss. And if I have hormone imbalance, could it be the cause???
Answer: 13.11.2020

There are many reasons for hair loss. Conditionally, they can be divided into "external" - stress, exposure to adverse environmental factors (sun, fluctuations in temperature, humidity), aggressive substances, improper care (dying, hair dryer, curling irons, etc.), taking medications, exceptional diets, etc.; and "internal" ones - when a change in the skin and hair condition is indicative of painful changes in the internal condition of our body. Here the possible list is even more significant – hormone imbalance is only one of the possible reasons. Trichologist, a specialized specialist, can help to deal with the type of hair loss, determine the possible causes, draw up a plan of examination and treatment.

Ustynska Inna Ivanivna
Dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist. The highest category.
Recently I noticed the redness and itching appeared on the head of the penis, and pain during sex. White discharge when urinating. What could it be?
Answer: 13.11.2020

It can be manifestations of balanoposthitis and / or urethritis, which, in turn, can be caused by a specific flora (sexually transmitted diseases) and non-specific flora. If this situation is not treated, then in the future, complications may develop in the form of the process chronization, the formation of urethral stricture (reduction), up to a persistent disorder of urine passage with the formation of chronic renal failure. Timely visit to a doctor contributes to the rapid diagnosis establishment, determination of the degree of urinary disturbance. And, correspondingly, to the selection of the optimal treatment.

Lysov Andrii Mykhailovych
Urologist. First category.
I had unprotected sexual intercourse a week ago, and now little ulcers appeared on my vulvar lips. There is no itching in perineum, but lymph node is groin became bigger a little bit.
Answer: 13.11.2020

Such symptoms can be manifested in case of syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, vaginal yeast, pyoderma and allergic reactions. To make an accurate diagnosis, you should contact a specialist for examination and prescription of treatment, and in no case do not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease and the occurrence of complications.

Hello. I had rubber band ligation of hemorrhoidal tumors 5 years ago. Two months ago the blood from the anal orifice appeared again. I made appointment for consultation by proctologist. However, there has been no blood from the straight intestine for several days. Is it mandatory to undergo examination by proctologist it I can postpone the visit. Will the tumors be visible if there is no blood in case of hemorroids?
Answer: 13.11.2020

You should undergo examination in any case. The blood can appear not only in case of hemorrhoids, but also in acute chronic anal fissure and other more serious diseases. In case of internal hemorrhoid relapse, new tumors may appear. In any case, lose no time to visit a proctologist.

Kukharyk Volodymyr Petrovych
Proctologist, surgeon. The highest category.
Hello. I have been sensing burning in anus over a month, sometimes there is red blood from the anal orifice, the blood with mucus is also in feces. There is no abdominal distention and pain. Blood appears from the anal orifice during the defecation without any pain. Could you please tell what it can be? How to get rid of this burning sensation in anal orifice?
Answer: 13.11.2020

The described symptoms resemble internal bleeding hemorrhoids. The suppositories can remove burning sensation temporarily. This problem cannot be solved as a whole and can result in deterioration in the condition. In order to establish more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo examination by proctologist.

Kukharyk Volodymyr Petrovych
Proctologist, surgeon. The highest category.
How to get rid of the bitter taste in mouth? I feel bitter taste in mouth and epigastric burning after, then everything is fine till the next meal.
Answer: 13.11.2020

Epigastric burning and bitter taste in mouth can be the symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux disease or gallbladder diseases. For diagnosing these conditions, it is recommended to do ultrasound of abdominal cavity and video gastroscopy, to do liver tests. These symptoms can aggravate without any therapy. The relevant treatment will be prescribed based on the test results.

Gastroenterologist. First category.
I booked an appointment for CT scan of the chest. What organs are involved in the work of tomography scanner and description?
Answer: 29.10.2020

CT scan of thoracic organs can show many abnormalities of the heart, lungs, and other chest organs, including the following:

  • Wall rupture, abnormal enlargement or narrowing of the aorta;
  • Other pathological changes in large vessels in lungs and chest;
  • Accumulation of blood or fluid around the heart;
  • Lung cancer or cancer spread to the lungs from other organs;
  • Accumulation of fluid around the lungs (in the pleural cavity);
  • Damage, expansion or obstruction of large air ways (trachea, bronchi);
  • Swollen lymph nodes;
  • Lung disease when lung tissue becomes inflamed and then damaged (interstitial lesions);
  • Pneumonia;
  • Cancer of esophagus;
  • Lymphoma in the chest;
  • Tumors, nodules or cysts in the chest.
  • Pathology of bone structures;
  • Structural changes in thyroid, thymus, adrenal glands;
  • Schwannomas, neuromas;
  • Diseases of pleura.

Most pathologies are examined with a contrast agent. Without a contrast agent, it is only possible to assume that there is a problem.

Can you please tell me what to do? My eyelids are swollen and there is a burning sensation. I was tested for allergies and nothing was found. What tests do I need to take? How to ease swelling and burning?
Answer: 12.10.2020

With the appearance of edema of the eyelids and burning sensation, it is necessary to do the test for demodex and flora inoculation from the conjunctiva. If the tests are negative, it may be Meibomian gland dysfunction. Then it is necessary to refer to massage of eyelids and treat the eyelids with antiseptics (Blefaklin wipes), wipe the eyelids, drops to moisturize the eyes – Vidisik gel, Super optic complete.

Ohanezova Siuzanna Ovanesivna
Ophthalmologist. The highest qualification category.
I have vision problems and I have heard about lenses that can only be worn at night and removed during the day. It means that at night they will correct the retina. I am interested in such lenses and would like to know what examinations I need to undergo and can I wear such lenses?
Answer: 12.10.2020

Apart from the daytime contact lenses, there are also hard night lenses. One wears them at night and must be on the cornea for at least 8 hours. In order to understand whether you can wear such lenses, you need to visit an ophthalmologist for examination - to determine refraction, examine the fundus, and also examine the anterior segment (biomicroscopy) to detect dry eye syndrome. And a mandatory examination is the topography of the cornea to determine keratoconus. If there are no contraindications, you can wear night lenses.

Ohanezova Siuzanna Ovanesivna
Ophthalmologist. The highest qualification category.
If I eat a lot of carrots and blueberries, will my vision deteriorate over time? What other products would you recommend to keep my eyesight from deteriorating? And how much should you eat?
Answer: 12.10.2020

Carrots and blueberries are vision-enhancing foods that can be consumed in large quantities, as well as foods such as grapes, spinach, red fish, broccoli, cauliflower, pine nuts, yellow, red, and green fruits and vegetables.

Ohanezova Siuzanna Ovanesivna
Ophthalmologist. The highest qualification category.
By the end of the working day, my eyes start hurting, the fact is that I work at the computer for 10 hours a day. What to do to relieve eye strain? Maybe some exercises are needed or drops? I won't be able to change my job.
Answer: 12.10.2020

It is necessary to observe the visual load. Continuous work at the computer shall not exceed 1 – 1.5 hours. It is necessary to rest for 10-15 minutes every hour, as there can be a spasm of ciliary muscles, there is accommodation disorder (spasm). Rest should be about relaxing your muscles, that is, scrolling the phone is not rest. Some drops will be prescribed to relieve spasms of ciliary muscles (mydriatic), only the advisability of using these drugs should be decided by a narrow specialist, since there may be several causes of eye fatigue. Also, due to the constant work at a computer, a pathology arises, which is called “Computer Syndrome” in the modern world, it is necessary to use tear substitutes, drops that relieve eye irritation and fatigue.

Ohanezova Siuzanna Ovanesivna
Ophthalmologist. The highest qualification category.
Tell me please why my chest hurts when I lie on back? It hurts so much that it hurts to breathe.
Answer: 24.09.2020

Most often, this can be a manifestation of the infringement of the nerve endings of the thoracic spine. But it can also be an atypical manifestation of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe an additional examination, establish a diagnosis and give the necessary recommendations.

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