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Therapists в Kharkiv ОН Клиник

Orlova Olena Mykolaivna
5 from 5
19 feedback

Orlova Olena Mykolaivna

ON Clinic Kharkiv Palace of Sports
Physician-therapist, endocrinologist. Highest category.
21 years of work experience
Khrypko Kateryna Yuriivna
5 from 5
9 feedback

Khrypko Kateryna Yuriivna

ON Clinic Kharkiv Palace of Sports
5 years of work experience
Nikulina Yulia Mikolaivna
5 from 5
4 feedback

Nikulina Yulia Mikolaivna

ON Clinic Kharkov Levada
General practitioner, gastroenterologist. First category.
21 years of work experience
Demchenko Nataliia Petrivna
5 from 5
3 feedback

Demchenko Nataliia Petrivna

ON Clinic Kharkiv Palace of Sports
General practitioner. Highest category.
23 years of work experience
4.8 from 5
17 feedback

ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
7 years of work experience
Popova Tetiana Olehivna
3 from 5
1 feedback

Popova Tetiana Olehivna

ON Clinic Kharkiv Palace of Sports , ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
Therapist, endocrinologist.
8 years of work experience

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Kerekesha Oksana Anatoliivna
0 from 5
0 feedback

Kerekesha Oksana Anatoliivna

ON Clinic Kharkov Levada
General practitioner. The first category.
16 years of work experience
Hubariev Oleksii Volodymyrovych
0 from 5
0 feedback

Hubariev Oleksii Volodymyrovych

ON Clinic Kharkov Levada
Physician-therapist. Doctor of ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound).
9 years of work experience
Miroshnikova Zhanna Valeriyivna
0 from 5
0 feedback

Miroshnikova Zhanna Valeriyivna

ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
Therapist-nutritionist, functional diagnostics doctor. Second category.
15 years of work experience
Kantemyr Daria Andriivna
0 from 5
0 feedback

Kantemyr Daria Andriivna

ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
Family practitioner. Second category.
9 years of work experience
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Feedback about therapists ON Clinic in Kharkiv

Service is good. Doctor very calm and listen to you, everyone should visit at least once in lifetime.
Vadivel , 23.03.2020. Show answer
I would liketo express my sincae gratitude to doctor perkhrest O.V for her help, kidness and attention during my heatment. I also want to say many thanks to the...
Ouidali , 04.04.2019. Show answer
I was really inpressedat their services. Their staffs are really kind and wellcoming. They show you around, so you wont'n be lost. They are very neat and the ho...
Augusta , 31.01.2019. Show answer
Very straight forward experience. The translation service was extremely helpful and the doctors very professional. Very reasonable prices and quick and efficien...
Mike , 14.06.2017. Show answer
On Clinic is very impressive. Nice presentation of staff and premises-clean, tiny and efficient. Regarding treatment, it is convenient to arrange appointment,...
Simon , 05.04.2017. Show answer
Read all reviews

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Therapy в Kharkiv «ОН Клиник»

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