Orlova Olena Mykolaivna
ON Clinic Kharkiv Palace of Sports
Physician-therapist, endocrinologist. Highest category.
21 years of work experience

Khrypko Kateryna Yuriivna
ON Clinic Kharkiv Palace of Sports
5 years of work experience

Nikulina Yulia Mikolaivna
ON Clinic Kharkov Levada
General practitioner, gastroenterologist. First category.
21 years of work experience

Demchenko Nataliia Petrivna
ON Clinic Kharkiv Palace of Sports
General practitioner. Highest category.
23 years of work experience

ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
7 years of work experience

Popova Tetiana Olehivna
ON Clinic Kharkiv Palace of Sports
ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
Therapist, endocrinologist.
8 years of work experience

Can't you choose a doctor?
Contact us and we'll help you choose a doctor who will take care of your health.

Kerekesha Oksana Anatoliivna
ON Clinic Kharkov Levada
General practitioner. The first category.
16 years of work experience
Hubariev Oleksii Volodymyrovych
ON Clinic Kharkov Levada
Physician-therapist. Doctor of ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound).
9 years of work experience
Miroshnikova Zhanna Valeriyivna
ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
Therapist-nutritionist, functional diagnostics doctor. Second category.
15 years of work experience

Kantemyr Daria Andriivna
ON Clinic Kharkov Yaroslava Mudroho
Family practitioner. Second category.
9 years of work experience
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