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Urologists of ON Clinic Medical Center Kharkiv

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Feedback about urologists ON Clinic in Kharkiv

I got to ON Clinic in serious condition on Sunday, at the last appointment with Trubeko Sergey Nikolaevich. He saved me, in the truest sense of the word. After...
Yuliya , 20.01.2020. Show answer
I want to express my gratitude to Philip Philipovich Sharuda for the high-quality consultation and the prescribed treatment. And not least, an interest in my he...
Nikolay , 21.12.2019. Show answer
Urologist Trubeko Sergey Nikolayevich is a true professional in his field, who carefully and sensitively reacted to my problems. He gave clear and qualified rec...
Alexander , 17.12.2019. Show answer
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Urology в Kharkiv «ОН Клиник»

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