Treatment of rhinitis among children in Kharkiv
Rhinitis is an acute inflammation of nasal mucosa caused due to affection of bacteria, viruses, toxins or allergens. Pathology can be diagnosticated in children of any age; it often develops in the setting of immunity decrease, hypothermia and vitamin deficiency.
What is rhinitis in children?
Nasal catarrh or rhinitis in a child can be both independent disease and a symptom of more serious pathology: flue, ARVI, influenza and other respiratory diseases. Mechanism of pathology development is the following: nasal mucosa gets inflamed due to pathogen affection (for instance, bacteria or virus) causing tissue blood flow malfunction. Swelling develops, secretion starts to accumulate, breathing is difficult. Accumulated liquid serves as a medium for microorganism development causing disease escalation and extension of inflammation on adjacent tissues (nasal sinuses, throat).
Otolaryngologists identify several types of rhinitis:
- acute rhinitis in children caused by viruses or bacteria. It is characterised by rapid onset of the following symptoms: nasal stuffiness, profuse discharge from nose. The disease can be followed by small increase of temperature. The pathology often turns into posterior rhinitis in a child, i.e. it affects interior nasopharynx wall and worsens into rhinopharyngitis;
- allergic rhinitis in children developed in case of ingress of the following different allergens on nasal mucosa: pollen, volatile substances containing in cosmetics or household cleaning products, dust. Symptoms stop immediately after cease of allergen affection on patient's organism;
- vasomotor rhinitis in children occurs in case of long toxic affection to upper respiratory airway. For instance, in case of uncontrolled intake of medication (vasoconstrictive sprays and drops).
Another form of rhinitis is chronic which is characterised by constant nasal stuffiness with small quantity of mucoid discharge.
Rhinitis symptoms in children
The first signs of nasal catarrh are the following:
- dry and burning nose;
- difficult breathing;
- nasal stuffiness;
- occurrence of clear or purulent discharge.
If mucus enters nasopharynx, irritation of throat and cough are possible. In case of discharge accumulation in sinuses, they start get inflamed and ache – sinusitis and genyantritis may develop. They can cause temperature rise in a child. Rhinitis in a child under one year can also cause atony and apathy, he can refuses to eat.
Duration of pediatric rhinitis
Recovery period depends on the cause of disease and observance of recommendations provided by pediatrician or pediatric otolaryngologist. For instance, allergic rhinitis in children stops almost immediately after detection and elimination of allergen. In case of viral or bacterial disease, recovery takes up to 2 weeks.
But the period will be extended if parents treat baby by themselves. Uncontrolled intake of medication removes symptoms but fails to eliminate the cause of disease. As a result, nasal catarrh can become chronic, such complications may develop as rhinopharyngitis, genyantritis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis.
Treatment of rhinitis in children
At the first signs of nasal catarrh, it is necessary to make appointment with pediatrician or pediatric otolarynlogist. The specialist will examine a patient, order tests for establishing the cause of pathology.
Treatment of allergic rhinitis in children consists in detection of allergen its elimination and intake of antihistaminic drugs. If nasal catarrh is caused by viruses or bacteria, anti-viral antibacterial medication shall be prescribed. In order to facilitate the state, vasoconstricting drops can be prescribed – they recover normal ventilation of sinuses, facilitate nasal breathing, prevent mucus from inspissation.
Effective treatment can be done at medical centre "ON Clinic Kharkiv ". For this purpose, make appointment with doctor by calling at contact phone number. Or you can house-call pediatrician.
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