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Minimally invasive surgery in urology Kharkiv

Urological diseases are equally common in both women and men. Pathologies of the genitourinary system significantly impair the quality of life, become the cause of sexual dysfunction, poor health and performance deterioration. In advanced cases, they can threaten infertility and impotence, therefore, the diagnostics and treatment of urological diseases shall be carried out as early as possible.

What types of urological diseases are treated by surgeon-urologist at “ON Clinic Kharkiv”?

The urology department of the medical center “ON Clinic Kharkiv” performs surgical treatment of the following urological diseases in women and men:

  • cystitis (inflammation of bladder);
  • hematuria (blood in the urine);
  • urethritis (inflammation of urethra);
  • urinary incontinence;
  • polyps of urethra (benign tumor of urethra).

 Our medical center also treats the following urological diseases in men:

  • varicocele (varicose veins of spermatic cord and testicle);
  •  spermatocele (epididymis cyst);
  •  benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma);
  •  hydrocele (hydropic testicle).
  • phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin).

The urological department of the medical center “ON Clinic Kharkiv” performs minimally invasive surgical operations for penis enlargement and penis frenum plasty. Operations are performed on an outpatient basis and are characterized by low trauma and a short recovery period.

Minimally invasive methods of treating hematuria

Hematuria is a pathological condition characterized by the presence of blood in the urine. In most cases, hematuria occurs due to diseases of the genitourinary system such as urethritis, pyelonephritis, prostatic hyperplasia, etc. Sometimes blood in the urine appears due to kidney stones that pass through urethra and damage its mucous membrane.

The most effective method of minimally invasive treatment of hematuria is endoscopic cystourethroscopy. The technique is also used for accurate diagnostics of urological diseases, as it allows a visual examination of the bladder and urethra, to identify foci of the inflammatory process, polyps, mucosal ulcers.

Endoscopic cystourethroscopy is performed under local anesthesia (injection of anesthetic gel into the urethra) or with intravenous sedation. The patient shall not eat or drink two hours before the procedure. During the operation, a cystoscope, a long, thin catheter, is inserted into the bladder cavity through the urethra. There are a light source and a mini-video camera inside it, transmitted the image to the monitor.

The urologist examines the walls of the bladder and urethra, and, after identifying the pathology, treats it. During endoscopic cystourethroscopy, the following manipulations can be performed:

  • bladder and urethra irrigation;
  •  removal of neoplasms (polyps);
  •  administration of drugs;
  • electrocoagulation (cauterization of tissue with high-frequency current. The method is used for the treatment of leukoplakia).

On average, the cystourethroscopy procedure takes no more than an hour. After the operation, the patient stays in the hospital under the supervision of the medical staff for some time (from several hours to a day), and then he/she is discharged home.

Surgical treatment of hydropic testicle

Hydrocele, hydropic testicle is a pathology characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the scrotum (usually on one side), increase in its size and appearance of painful sensations in the groin. Hydropic testicle leads to problems in the intimate sphere and impaired urination, and with the transition of the disease into a chronic form, it threatens the development of male infertility, therefore, the treatment of hydrocele cannot be postponed.

Surgical treatment for hydropic testicles is performed under local anesthesia or intravenous sedation. One shall not eat the night before and on the day of the operation, and one shall not drink two hours before the operation.

While treating a small hydrocele, a Bergman’s operation is performed. The surgeon makes a small incision (about 3 cm) in the area of the dropsy and pumps out the accumulated fluid. The doctor then opens the testicle membrane, twists it, and sutures the edges of the testicle over the back of the testicle. The operation ends with putting 2-3 cosmetic sutures on the skin.

If the hydrocele has reached a large size (more than 200 ml), a Winckelmann’s operation is indicated. The technique of its performance is similar, the only difference is that the excess tissue is not sutured, but excised with a scalpel. The operation takes about 30 minutes. After its completion, the patient is transferred to the ward, where he stays from several hours to a day.

Surgical removal of testicular cysts

A testicular cyst is a fluid-filled capsule that most often forms in the epididymis. A benign neoplasm gradually increases in size and leads to painful sensations, discomfort during the walk and intercourse. If the cyst of the epididymis is not removed in time, it can cause the development of hydrocele and infertility.

Removal of testicular cyst is performed during upfront surgery. The patient shall not eat or drink two hours before the surgery. During the operation, a local anesthetic or intravenous sedation is used (the patient is awake). The surgeon makes a small incision in the scrotum in the area of the cyst, removes the neoplasm and sutures the wound layer by layer. The operation takes about 30 minutes. Hospitalization after graduation is not required - the patient can immediately leave the medical center.

Plastic surgery of penis frenum

Plastic surgery of the penis frenum (frenulotomy) is one of the simplest and safest urological surgeries. It is performed on an outpatient basis and lasts about 15 minutes. Frenulotomy is indicated for a short penis frenum and problems associated with this pathology:

  • painful sensations during erection and intercourse;
  • incomplete exposure of the penis glans in an excited state;
  •  early ejaculation;
  •  frenum ruptures;
  •  inability to have sexual intercourse;
  •  bending erect penis down.

Frenulotomy allows a man to get rid of the listed problems in the intimate sphere once and for all. The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia. The surgeon dissects the frenum in the transverse direction, and then sutures the skin with longitudinal cosmetic sutures, after the healing of which there will be no traces. Frenulotomy allows increasing the length of the frenum up to 1.5 cm. No hospitalization is required after the operation.

Penis enlargement surgery 

The penis size is determined by genetics, male hormonal status, and other factors. The average length of an erect penis is 12-16 cm. But some men are unhappy with the size of their genital organ and would like to enlarge it. This is possible thanks to modern techniques of intimate plastic surgery.

Ligamentotomy is a surgery to increase the length of the penis. Indications for ligamentotomy are the following:

  • length of the erect penis is less than 7.5-9 cm;
  • patient’s desire to increase anatomical normal size of the penis.

Ligamentotomy is performed under intravenous anesthesia. The patient shall not eat on the evening before and on the day of the operation and shall not drink 2 hours before the operation. The essence of the surgical procedure is to release the inside of the penis by cutting the ligament between pubis and penis. Then the hidden part of the organ is brought out and fixed in a new position. The operation takes about 30 minutes. After its completion, the patient is transferred to the ward, where he stays for several hours.

Ligamentotomy allows increasing the penis length by an average of 3-5 cm. More accurate information will be said by the doctor at the preliminary consultation.

Treatment of premature ejaculation in Kharkiv

Premature ejaculation is a fairly common sexual disorder. Approximately every third man faced this problem at least once in his life. In most cases, early ejaculation occurs intermittently due to excessive excitement or stress. But if ejaculation almost always occurs within 1-2 minutes after the onset of intercourse, you need to contact urologist.

For the treatment of early ejaculation in Kharkiv, the medical center “ON Clinic Kharkiv” uses minimally invasive surgical techniques. Selective penile denervation is an operation aimed at reducing the increased sensitivity of the penis glans by dissecting part of the nerve endings located in it. The result of the operation is the prolongation of sexual intercourse and the elimination of psychological complexes caused by early ejaculation. Penile denervation does not affect erection adversely.

Selective neurotomy is performed under general anesthesia (intravenous). The duration of the operation is 1-2 hours. The patient shall not eat the night before and on the day of selective neurotomy, and shall not drink two hours before the operation. After surgical treatment of premature ejaculation, the patient stays in the hospital for two days, and then he is discharged home.

Advantages of minimally invasive surgery in urology

The main advantages of minimally invasive surgery in urology are:

  • minimal trauma of tissues;
  • low risk of complications;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • shortening the length of hospital stay;
  • good cosmetic effect.

Make appointment for a consultation by urological surgeon regarding minimally invasive treatment of urological diseases at the medical center “ON Clinic Kharkiv”. Call the specified phone number or leave a request on the website.

Kutepova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Kutepova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Doctor of department of surgery
Book your appointment 24/7!

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Consultation with a surgeon-endocrinologist
Consultation with an oncosurgeon
Consultation with an operating obstetrician-gynecologist
Consultation with an operating surgeon
Consultation with an operating urologist
Endocrinology surgeon consultation
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ONLINE Consultation with a surgeon
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Thoracic surgeon consultation

Physicians of surgery department of ON Clinic Kharkiv

Address: Kharkiv, Molochnaya st., 48

ON Clinic Kharkov Gagarina
We accept: Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 18:00, Sat: 8:30 - 17:00, Sun: 8:30 - 14:00
Make an appointment: 0 800 30 11 77 24 hours.
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